
Musk's Tesla celebrates another success with the Model S thanks to a record range.

Martin Bárta
21. 6. 2020 ▪ 17:22

After Elon Musk and his company SpaceX celebrated owning the first commercial flight to the ISS, he is reaping more successes with his other and perhaps much more well-known company – Tesla. Just recently, according to measurements by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Tesla has achieved a range of 402 miles (almost 647 kilometers) with the Model S Long-Range Plus version produced after January of this year (2020).

Tesla once again worked on improving many parts of the vehicle, including reducing the vehicle's weight, increasing the efficiency of energy regeneration during braking, and reducing the rolling resistance of the tires. Thanks to the fine-tuned software of these cars, which often get frequent updates, further improvements can be expected.

Tesla is now surpassing another milestone in its history, and with an ever-increasing range and more affordable prices of new models, a continued growth trend of the whole company can be expected. Thanks to this, many major car manufacturers are beginning to realize that they have fallen behind. In any case, it will not be easy for any of them now, as Tesla is really several years ahead in development.

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The original article was published in Czech under the title: Muskova Tesla slaví další úspěch s modelem S díky rekordnímu dojezdu
Source: Engadget